Los Angeles: The Abduction

Thank you!

On behalf of the whole band, THANK YOU! <3 The ‪#‎ArachnidArmy‬ made our nutty campaign a huge success- in every respect! You not only helped us raise 88% of our goal, but you went on our fictitious kidnapping journey with us, and shared our music with so many new people. And the messages I've receive from other bands about the uniqueness of our campaign, and the groundbreaking nature of our efforts, has meant quite a lot. 🙂 Now we get to work recording! We are so excited to bring you the new music, and the merch that will go with it. This playlist contains all 7 chapters of our crazy adventure; if you missed one, or want to re-live it, or want to share our saga, feel free to do so! Los Angeles: The Abduction has only just begun! 😉

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